Enjoy here a selection of nice pictures found in the course of our reseach but that we could not include in our book due to lack of space.

Contributions are most welcome and we take particular attention to credit them to their true owner. Should you find any misuse, please just drop us a line so we can solve the problem.

In order to give life to this site, we will try to frequently add new pictures, either found during our research or from your contributions.

  • c/n ?

    CL-215 droping water during a test flight with Canadair (Bombardier)
  • c/n 1016

    Manitoba's Tanker 255 fighting an industrial fire (Government of Manitoba)
  • c/n 1016

    Manitoba's Tanker 255 a few seconds before scopping (Manitoba GAS)
  • cn 1017 & cn/ 1092

    GAS's appron with two CL-215s (Quebec's GAS)
  • c/n 1049

    SoREM's CL-215 S4 fighting a city fire within Istambul's city limits (City of Istambul)
  • c/n 1056

    Spanish air force's CL-215T scooping off shore (Ejercito del Aire)
  • c/n 1057

    Low flying with CL-215T serial 1057 during an airshow (Ejercito del Aire)
  • c/n 1057 & 1121

    Two CL-215Ts sitting on the Torrejon AB apron. Note that only No16 has its number on the upper surface (Ejercito del Aire)
  • c/n 1058

    Thai Navy's first CL-215 during its sea trials (Bombardier)
  • c/n 1067

    Greek Air Force 1067 flying low (via THK Yangin)

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