Nato Sabre Dogs

Short final for our new book on the F-86D/K Sabre Dogs

By On Wednesday, 24 october 2018

Pre-porderrs will soon open for our new book to be released in November. 

Signed by the a famous English author, Robbie Robinson who is a specialist of the USAFE history, with no less than four books published on the subject, three of them with Squadron Signal. This book will be a sequel to Samuel Prétat's F-84F/RF-84F monography but this time with specially commissionned artworks by Robbie himself. Them complement a very informative text and photos from private and official collections.

This time, no bilingual book, one edition for each language!

Informations to follow closemy on our Facebook page.

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It's a GO!

By On Wednesday, 31 may 2017

Our next project has started, this time a monographic study on the NATO North American F-86D/K by Robbie Robinson, a book covering the two variants used by the Alliance at the peak of the Cold War.

A new format, an English edition and a French one (no more bilingual book) packed with many photos and artworks by the author himself.

A forthcoming publication you can follow step by step here and on our Facebook page and

See you soon!


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