About our Canadair book

"Air Bubbles" at Evreux air base

By On Friday, 07 november 2014

Saturday and November 8th/9th, come and see us at the Evreux Air Base in Normandy to meet both authors of our Canadair Scoopers book.

Many other writers and cartoonists will be in attendance for this unique event.

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Canadair model

By On Friday, 22 august 2014

The Italian kit maker has just released a 1/72nd CL-415 and there you think "My, a new kit of my favourite plane!".

No Sir, that's only a reboxing of the old Heller kit... but let's not be shy. The kit is noce and you can find here the best info for your buid. You could even design the interior of the plane thank to our book. Go ahead, make it, just order here the best graphic study you need for the job.

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BULLES D'AIR aviation comics day at Evreux AB

By On Tuesday, 15 october 2013

You may know that the French are really fond of comic book and there are currently lots of series featuring aviation. On Saturday 9 Novembre 2013, there will be a small show at Evreux AB No 105 where a small selection of authors will present and sign their books. We will attend this event as this author has signed two books on the A-4 and A-1 after releasing the Canadair book. Both our titles will also be available for purchase at the makeshift bookshop onsite. 

The authors in attendance will be Stefan Agosto, Stéphane Carpentier, Damien Andrieu, Matthieu Durand, André Le Bras, Marcel Uderzo, Michel Lourenço and Samuel Prétat.

More info here (in French) : http://www.bdlib.fr/

See you soon



Some advertizing

By On Wednesday, 04 september 2013

The Cal Fire newsletter has kindly inserted an advert of our  book, a big thank you to them as this little publication is a real gem and takes you in the heart of the Califormian fire fighting operations.

cfpa-news-aug-2013.pdf cfpa-news-aug-2013.pdf


Book Signing

By On Saturday, 29 june 2013

Both authors will be signing their Canadair book on Saturday July, 6th at Cultura Barentin, near Rouen. If you are nearby for your holidays, come and have a chat with us to share our common interest in planes !


50 years of BASC celebrations

By On Sunday, 09 june 2013

Big day for our small team who was priviledged to attend the official ceremony for the half-century of the French Securite Civile.

Saturday June, 1st at Marignane, official medal pinings to the meritious fire fighters with an appron where the SC aircraft were lined up for visits and photographs : Tracker (07), Beech 200 (Bengale 97), Dash-8 (Milan 73), Beech 350i (private), specially decorated CL-415 (Pélican 32), INAER CL-215 (EC-HEU c/n 1038), Duxford's Canso Catalina and EC145  Dragon 30.

The next day, big airshow at Aix-les-Milles attended by over 12,000 visitors who could enjoys displays by the local fire and rescue departments : fire trucks and engines and aircraft demonstrating their capabilities. Among the airshow participants were parachutists, the Montélimar fighter museum OV-10B Bronco, the Avignon AD-4N, the Blois AT-6D , the CM-175 No38 from Ailes de l'Aéro, Duxford's Canso Catalina, INAER's CL-215 EC-HEU, Eurocopter's EC175 prototype, the locally licence-buit Guimbal helicopter and of course, the stars of the day.

They were represented by Trackers 07, 11, 22 and 23, Pélicans 34, 38, 37, 45 and 32 (static dispay), Dash-8 Milan 74 and EC145 Dragon 30, all displaying their capabilities to an enthusiast crowd.

The highlight of the day were the flyby by the three generation amphibians (CL-415, CL-215 and Canso) then the 50-year historic flight composed of Dash-8 No 74, Pélicans 45, 34 and 37, Beech 200 Bengale 98 and Trackers 11 and 22.

That fine day allowed us to meet, face to face at last, some of our valued contributors who were a great assistance in the completion of our Canadair Book. Thank you guys, and to those who paid us a visit to have their book signed by both authors.

Pictures can be viewed in the Photo Gallery section of our site.


50 years of French Securité Civile

By On Sunday, 21 april 2013

Both authors will attend the meeting at Aix les Milles celebrating the half century of the French Securité Civile air base.

We hope to see you there as we will present and sign our book during the exceptionnal day.

See you there


Toulouse book festival - Nov 17-18-19

By On Sunday, 16 december 2012

We had the honor of being invited at the Toulouse Stars and Wings book festival last November, a fine opportunity to meet some of France's most prestigious aviation authors, and hoppefully many of our readers.

We were however disapointed by the small number of visitors entering a poorly laid-out buiding. The authors were located in a side room and it seems that many visitors simply walked by, not noticing us through the small doors.

The organization of our stay was good anyway and we want to thank here the staffs who took good care of us during this week-end.


We are now waiting the next event to get the opportunity to meet more of our readers, we'll keep you updated on our website and on Facebook. 


Last deliveries

By On Monday, 21 may 2012

Now we're through !! All subscribers should have their book in hands before the end of this week and a handfull of Parisian shops have received some copies so the book can be flipped through before purchase. We have also opened a "Comments" page on our website, you may leave anything as long as it is honest.
Some contributors remain to be satisfied but they are surely not forgotten. Now we can proceed with our next projects !!
A last thank you to those of you who allowed us to complete this project and our sincere apology for the last minute mishaps.


Le Bourget Aviation Comics Fair

By On Sunday, 13 may 2012

Both authors attended the small Aviation Comics fair at Le Bourget this week-end with a handfull of freshly printed copies and the book seems to please quite a lot.
Additionnaly, we are of course very happy to have met this challenge and we are
now proceeeding with the dispatch of the subscribers' copies. Also, we have opened an online shop on our website (tab on top of this page), do not hesitate to tell around you about it. Our generous contributors are not forgotten either.

The adventure goes on !


End of the road

By On Saturday, 05 may 2012

Well, folks, here we are, for real this time. The (minor) cover problem has been solved and we will receive all the books by the end of next week. In the meantime, those of you who have accepted this first variant will have the pleasure to read it... hopefully.

Now that we concluded this project, we will start our new book soon to be presented here.

A warm thank you to all our followers and we hope our next project will attract your attention

See you soon


The book is out

By On Friday, 27 april 2012

HERE IT IS !!! At last, we have the book. I will not say anything good or bad about it, you'll juge by yourself. Only we have one more problem to solve with our printing company but we do have a handfull of books in our possession. Now here are the options :
1) You're not too demanding and you're really impatient, we can send the book to you now
2) you are rightfully demanding and you prefer to wait for the "perfect" version... but then you'll have to wait a bit more.
We will contact all our subscribers, if we have your email and let you decide. In the meantime, final release will have to wait some more.

Of course, do not hesitate to contact us should you have any question about this release


Here we go !

By On Wednesday, 04 april 2012

Friends, the printing has started as we have received our ISBN number at the end of the last week.

Finalizing, making and delivering the book will take a few more days and we'll start our mailing just afterwards. We'll surely expedite the mailings as fast as possible but our "real jobs" also have an agenda to be met. We know we cannot compare with a "real publisher".

Anyway, we thank you again for your patience and we hope our efforts will meet your expectations.



ISBN delay

By On Saturday, 24 march 2012

Dear Subscribing Friends,

Our printing company is ready to start the job but we will only get our ISBN number at the end of this month so we are very sorry to announce a new 2/3-week delay. The French subscribers will see their cheques have been cashed, as the VAT on books is due to rise, we need to pay part of the printing before the rate change. This definitely announces that our book will be out very soon now.

Thank you all for your patience, we sincerely hope the content of our book will make you forget these last minute delays when you start reading.


Last sprint

By On Wednesday, 14 march 2012

We keep finishing our book every week ! The printing process is currently stopped as we are waiting after our ISBN number (protecting and referencing our work) but, as our provider has "the finger on the key", the printing will start as soon as we get it. 

The flashing step permitted us to find some small errors that have been immediately corrected but we unfortunately fear you will find more.

Thank you for your patience


Printing soon

By On Thursday, 01 march 2012

Here we are! We have found our printing company and even had a prototype in our hands earlier this week. However, we have found that some of our pictures are not satisfactory and needed to be replaced. The time to proceed with these last corrections and we will be able to launch the printing, aiming at mailing the books before the end of the month.

Of course we are a bit late and we apologize for that but to be honest, even we would have been surprised to meet our agenda...

Coming out soon now


Canadair Project - Feb 8th

By On Wednesday, 08 february 2012

Dear friends,
As we are still waiting after some quotation results before selecting our printing company, we are getting a bit behind schedule and the extreme cold affecting our country is slowing things down. No worry however, we are still progressing according to the plan and we should be able to finalize everything shortly now.
More news as soon as possible




Our Canadair project

By On Wednesday, 25 january 2012

Dear Friends,

We are happy to announce that our Canadair entreprise is proceeding quite well. So well that the 60 pages will become 64 ! In view of the superb quality of some pictures we have received, we have decided to add a 4-page photo section to end the book.

We could not muster the expected amount but we've gone too far to quit. We now have to select the printing company and the project carries on.

Thank you again for your support !
