The transtlantic mail steamers

French book completed

By On Monday, 21 november 2016

Our new ocean liner book is now completed, the full French edition will be released in due time by the end of the month.

Please keep in mind that the English edition will only be released in a year's time if we get enough returns from the English-speaking readers.

Feel free to drop us a line and press your case !


Last corrections before release

By On Sunday, 30 october 2016

We are now integrating the last corrections in our French-only edition soon to be released. We remind you that this book will hopefully be followed by the full English edition next year.

Keep following us in this page or on Facebook.



First profiles

By On Thursday, 20 march 2014

Dear all,

Our book on the first CGT mail boats is moving ahead as you can see with the first completed profiles by our in-house artist. This one is "La Bourgogne" before (4 masts) and after 1895.
Comments are most welcome.

Keep following us for more profiles to come


Bourgogne until 1895 Bourgogne since 1895

Publication delay

By On Sunday, 26 may 2013

You cannot be really surprized that we have to postpone the release of our packet-boat book to next year. It looks like everything around us is idle and this impacts our cashflow but not only as we are also suffering from the compulsory delay like any other enterprise (we are not in the construction business but, well...). WE are not idling as our writer is writing, our designer is designing and our researcher is searching (and finding !).

Not mentionning our next projet also starting to move forward but we'll come back to that later.

In the meantime, we do hope to meet you at Aix near Marseilles at the Securité Civile airshow celebrating 50 years of operations. We will be signing our book there


2013 news

By On Tuesday, 26 march 2013

We are progressing in our work, even if our author has suffered from a little health complication (bad time of the year!). Our documentary collection is also making significant progress and we trust you will appreciate these ducuments never published before. Publication date may be postponed until 2014 as the current economic situation is not helping us to make sufficent provisions. We remain positive and we will inform you as best as possible.

Thank you for your support, do not hesitate to contact us, either by email or on our website.



Slowly but surely !

By On Wednesday, 10 october 2012

Our progress is slow but sure.

Slow because there are many organizations and individuals we need to meet to explain our project and convince them to contribute, in a way or another. Sure since each meeting allows us to narrow our research and contributes to open new doors.

However, we cannot help but notice that some of the organizations we met do not seem to be eager to share their collections, sometimes for some very unclear reasons... We indeed have a hard time understanding the imperious need to keep a lid on collections benefiting to no one, except maybe a little group of priviledged individuals, who happen to all know each other. And the funniest part is they seem to believe nothing is possible without them... We surely hope to prove them wrong !

So our collection is proceeding with mixed results but we should be able to offer a captivating book full of never published before documents.

To be followed soon !


New Project : the transatlantic mail steamers

By On Tuesday, 21 august 2012

Dear Friends,

Now that our Canadair book is starting its own life, we are now focussing on a new project. We have found our author, Max Rémy, who has already signed a couple of reference books on cruise ships and we are honored to have him on board. He has started his writing and we are quite advanced in our documentary collection for a book that will follow the same format than our previous productions... even if the number of pages remains to be decided.

Follow here our progress, this adventure will also be featured in our Facebook page.

