Our News

Follow our enterprise step by step, also on our Facebook group.

8th Model and Plastic Kits Fair

On Monday, 18 march 2019

Come and meet us at the 8th Evreux Models and Plastic Kits fair taking place on March 23rd-24th, organizied by MiniKit27.
Halle des Expositions 
26 rue Maréchal FOCH 
27000 EVREUX


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Payment issues in our online store

On Wednesday, 06 march 2019

Little problem on our online store, as our web hosting provider has deleted Paypal from the paiement options.

However, you can still proceed with Paypal payement using one of the following processes:

- either checking in directly on Paypal and insert the total amount (including shipping costs) to editions-minimonde76@hotmail.fr.

- or select your items in our store and proceed to chek-out, select any means of payment to complete your purchase then go to your Paypal account and finalize your purchase to pay us at editions-minimonde76@hotmail.fr.

We are sorry for this inconvenience, of course do not hesitate to contact us for any firther detail.


Short final for our new book on the F-86D/K Sabre Dogs

On Wednesday, 24 october 2018

Pre-porderrs will soon open for our new book to be released in November. 

Signed by the a famous English author, Robbie Robinson who is a specialist of the USAFE history, with no less than four books published on the subject, three of them with Squadron Signal. This book will be a sequel to Samuel Prétat's F-84F/RF-84F monography but this time with specially commissionned artworks by Robbie himself. Them complement a very informative text and photos from private and official collections.

This time, no bilingual book, one edition for each language!

Informations to follow closemy on our Facebook page.

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Bulles d'Air aviation comics fair at Evreux

On Sunday, 26 november 2017

Come and meet us at BA105 Evreux-Fauville on Dec 3rd at 10AM, for the 4th Aviation comics fair.

Hereafter is the list of the expected authors.

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It's a GO!

On Wednesday, 31 may 2017

Our next project has started, this time a monographic study on the NATO North American F-86D/K by Robbie Robinson, a book covering the two variants used by the Alliance at the peak of the Cold War.

A new format, an English edition and a French one (no more bilingual book) packed with many photos and artworks by the author himself.

A forthcoming publication you can follow step by step here and on our Facebook page and

See you soon!


Couv 1

French book completed

On Monday, 21 november 2016

Our new ocean liner book is now completed, the full French edition will be released in due time by the end of the month.

Please keep in mind that the English edition will only be released in a year's time if we get enough returns from the English-speaking readers.

Feel free to drop us a line and press your case !


Last corrections before release

On Sunday, 30 october 2016

We are now integrating the last corrections in our French-only edition soon to be released. We remind you that this book will hopefully be followed by the full English edition next year.

Keep following us in this page or on Facebook.



Wartbird propeller time at La Ferté Alais

On Sunday, 08 may 2016

Dear Friends,
Come and meet us at the warbird airshow at La Ferté Alais next May 14th and 15th. 
The "Temps des Hélices" 2016 airshow should feature a  Sécurité Civile CL-415 Canadair and EC 145. The flight program can be found on the Jean-Baptiste Salis website.
See you there
Affiche meeting 2016